Lecture slides from Connect 2020 in Neum (22-29 August, 2020) can be found on a GitHub repository at link.
You can also download each lecture slides as follows:
- Tijana Prodanović - Intro to Connect 2020
- Tijana Prodanović - Minute Science Communication
- Oliver Tošković - Popular Myths in Psychology (or Lucy Miller against Popeye)Myths in Psychology (or Lucy Miller against Popeye)
- Jadranko Batista - The future of education
- Dejan Milošević - Quantum Battle in Attoscience
- Elvis Ahmetović - Writing project proposals
- Bradley van Paridon - Scientist turned science communication/journalist
- Martina Manenica - Student seminar as one (wo)man show
- Jelena Kalinić - Naučni koncepti u filmovima o superherojima